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STD Home Test Kit for Gonorrhoea

Following a recent review by our clinical team, our doctors do not consider it appropriate to supply this treatment via an online consultation only. If you are seeking this or similar medication, we advise you to make an appointment with your regular doctor who can properly assess your suitability for treatment.
Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea Urine STI Test
Home Urine Chlamydia Gonorrhoea Lab Test
Results within 48 hours, allow two weeks after suspected exposure to this STI before taking a test. Re-test 5 weeks after completion of treatment, especially if you did not experience any symptoms of the infection prior to being diagnosed.

Gonorrhoea, often referred to as 'the clap', is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI). Although rare, it is possible to be infected with Gonorrhoea without displaying any symptoms, however most people display at least some symptoms of infections. These are generally easier to spot for men than they are for women, as symptoms are usually more noticeable in men.

Gonorrhoea can be easily tested for using a urine-sample based test. This is the perfect test for you if you simply want to rule out the possibility of a Gonorrhoea infection or if you have previously been treated for Gonorrhoea and you want to make sure that the infection is gone. The At Myonlinedoctor, you can purchase a discreet and accurate home kit to test for either Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea, or a full STI screen for Gonorrhoea and six other common sexually transmitted diseases if you wish a more extensive testing service. Please Note: Urine based tests are unlikely to pick up signs of an STI infection if you caught the infection within the last two weeks thus you should wait for at least a fortnight after suspected exposure before getting tested so as to obtain a reliable result.


Gonorrhoea Test
Rule out the possibility of infection with a home test. Free Treatment if the outcome is positive.
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Gonorrhoea Treatment
If you or your partner have already tested positive, simply register to order treatment today.
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Gonorrhoea Information
Gonorrhoea is one of the most common STIs in the UK today. Know the Facts.

Why it is important to treat
Gonorrhoea Symptoms
Reducing Risk


Why it is important to treat Gonorrhoea

If left untreated, Gonorrhoea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in women. This can cause fever, pain and ultimately infertility or ectopic pregnancy as well as premature births.

In men, the infection can lead to inflammation inside the testicles and prostate gland which may impair fertility.

If you suspect you or your partner may have contracted Gonorrhoea, do not take any chances and find out more about how to get tested today



Gonorrhoea Symptoms


A change in vaginal discharge. It may increase in quantity, change to a yellow or greenish colour and/or smell different.

  • A pain or burning sensation when passing urine.
  • Irritation and/or discharge from the anus.
  • A sore throat if this is where the infection was contracted - Gonorrhoea can be caught through oral sex.


  • A pain or burning sensation when peeing.
  • A yellow or green discharge from the penis.
  • Irritation and/or discharge from the anus.
  • Inflammation of the testicles and prostate gland.
  • A sore throat if this is where the infection was contracted - Gonorrhoea can be caught through oral sex.



Gonorrhoea Treatment

If you test positive for Gonorrhoea using our testing service, we will provide an appropriate course of STI treatment to you free of charge. Current UK health guidelines for the treatment of Gonorrhoea suggest that "best practice" is to have a deep intramuscular injection of an antibiotic as well as an oral dose. However, for those who cannot get to a GUM clinic or have needle-phobia, we supply a course of oral-only antibiotics. These are taken either as a one-off dose (Suprax) or over a period of seven days (Doxycycline). Generally the symptoms subside quickly.

Effectiveness and Drug Resistance

Drug resistance to Gonorrhoea is common in the UK. This means that your body has already developed a resistance to a certain drug which is therefore ineffective. In this case, alternative treatments need to be given, and thus the best course of treatment is antibiotic injections combined with orally taken tablets. Six weeks after you've taken a course of Gonorrhoea treatment, you should take a test to confirm the all-clear, particulary if you did not experience any symptoms prior to being diagnosed. Retesting before six weeks may produce a false positive result.

Sex after Gonorrhoea treatment

You must refrain from having unprotected sex for at least six weeks after completion of a course of Gonorrhoea treatment. Your partner should also seek simultaneous treatment as a precautionary measure, even if he or she has not been tested for the condition.