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Can Orlistat be taken when below BMI 27?

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Question: Why cant someone with bmi=27 take orlistat? What are the effects it could have on the person?

Answer:Xenical Orlistat is a safe treatment that if taken by those that have a low BMI it will just block any fat that is consumed from being absorbed. The real reason it cannot be prescribed to people with low BMI's is because the prescribing guidelines indicate against this. The main thinking behind this is that prescription treatments should be a last resort when looking for a weight loss solution. Patients must have already tried other methods such as diet and exercise.
As a treatment of last resort then it’s not fit to prescribe weight loss treatments to those who are just a little over weight. Another reason is that the BMI measurer is not a very accurate measure of people’s body mass and not suitable for identifying people in need of treatment unless they are truly obese. It would also not be good practice to prescribe treatments when there was very little benefit for the patient and alternative solutions such as change of life style could indeed be just as or more beneficial. Essentially we only allow people to start a course of Xenical if their BMI is quite higher.
However if a customer's BMI is high enough to start a course they can keep taking it until they are a BMI of lower than 27. This is simply because the treatment has been proved effective and the customers should then keep thon with the treatment until they are close to an ideal weight.

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