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Swine flu : should I travel on my holidays?

The following information has been compiled to provide people with information for what to do about their holidays.

We are currently experiencing a high demand for Tamiflu -
Check Stock Levels.


How to prepare for your holidays?

Article dated 20 the July 2009

Make sure you have travel insurance
Getting cover is not expensive for a two week holiday you will only need to pay around £40 - £60 for a family of four but in the event of any illness you can call upon it for help. Travel insurance is especially recommended if travelling to the USA.

How to avoid infection on the plane?
Aeroplane air conditioning is often the cause of holiday illness as the cabin temperature is often cooler than the temperature when you disembark and the same air is circulated around the cabin. Wearing a mask will offer little or no protection unless you have a full face mask as you can even get infected through your eyes. The best precaution is to avoid getting a chill, Take a jumper and even a scarf to wear on the flight. If you are travelling long haul take a blanket and keep warm

What should I take in my first aid kit?
As well as the usual bandages and antiseptic solution, take some paracetamol, cold and flu remedies with you. If you are infected with swine flu, these will help to control any sever symptoms. Also take a thermometer and if you are travelling with children take calpol.

Should you take Tamiflu on holiday?
For absolute peace of mind, yes it is advisable to buy Tamiflu. It is important to start taking the course of treatment as soon as you feel any symptoms. Tamiflu works most effectively the sooner it is taken.

What else can I do?
Make sure you maintain good hygiene. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and wash you hands regularly. If you do get swine flu, then make sure you drink plenty of liquids, and follow normal cold and flu remedies such as keeping warm, inhaling steam and gargling. Finally check your temperature and if it goes above and stays above 39C, seek medical advice.

Latest information 20/07/2009
swine flu risk assessment