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Telephone: +44 (0) 203 176 0023

Myonlinedoctor Patient Statement of Purpose

Aims and Objectives
FMC Marketing Limited aims to provide a high quality, Internet healthcare service which includes confidential on-line health assessments with a medical practitioner and the private prescription of medicines.

FMC Marketing’s key objective is to provide a high quality patient healthcare service which meets and exceeds the requirements of the current fundamental standards and regulations of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

Registered Provider and Registered Manager
FMC Marketing Limited (registered address; Hampshire House, 204 Holly Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4SE) is the provider of the independent healthcare service. Mr Richard Adams is the CQC Registered Manager responsible for the management and day to day running of the service.

Kinds of Healthcare Services provided by FMC Marketing Ltd.
FMC Marketing Limited provides a secure Internet healthcare service, which includes private and confidential online health consultations with a medical practitioner, the provision of individual health advice and the issuing of private prescriptions. All private prescriptions are sent to FMC Marketing’s external Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) registered pharmacy for dispensing and posting. Healthcare services include online consultations and prescription medicines in relation to the treatment of impotence, hair loss, weight loss, malaria, hay fever, smoking cessation, period delay, contraceptives, premature ejaculation and acne/eczema.

All treatments provided via are for adults only (18 years and above).

Legal Status
FMC Marketing Ltd. provides private healthcare services as a limited company business and is registered as a UK company at Companies House (registration number – 04780577). FMC Marketing Ltd. operates as a Mobile Doctor Service (Independent Medical Agency) for the purposes of Care Quality Commission (CQC) registration.

Location of Services
FMC Marketing Ltd. does not have premises’ locations which patients can visit. The healthcare service is provided via the Internet at The healthcare service is administered from office premises located at 69 Old Street, London EC1V 9HX.

Reviewed 11th September 2017